Programs & Services

Crisis Relief

Emergency Financial Asistance

Our emergency financial assistance allows us to meet urgent needs which do not qualify for other programs due to the quick response time needed, such as providing someone fleeing a domestic violence situation a safe place to stay, hotel lodging assistance for special cases, or paying an urgent bill.

Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer Ministry is foundational to all the work we do at Barnabas Vision. We believe in the power of prayer and the all powerful God to whom we pray. We pray for and with all our clients in crisis.

Room at the Inn

Room at the Inn provides shelter through hotels on the coldest nights throughout the year. Barnabas Vision patterns with Room at the Inn to provide shelter on Christmas Eve and Christmas Night each year so no one in our community spends them on the streets.

Transportation Assistance

Rover passes and gas cards are provided to those needing transportation to job interviews and medical appointments until more consistent, reliable transportation can be secured.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at Barnabas Vision provides one-on-one spiritual and emotional support and/or guidance for those in need of care. We pray with people facing a stressful challenge, an illness, or feelings of hopelessness. We might meet and pray with them over coffee, spend time with them in a long-term care facility, or visit them at the hospital/during recuperation.

Homelessness Prevention

& Case Management

Deposit Program

Our Deposit Program helps those whose income is sufficient to afford housing be able to secure a suitable place by funding the often exorbitant deposits (usually first and last month’s rent) associated with securing a lease.

Homelessness Prevention Program

Our Homelessness Prevention Program provides emergency funding for those who are at risk of being evicted because they cannot meet their utility or rent bills due to a sudden lack of income resulting from a job loss, physical injury or illness, or other unforeseen circumstance. This assistance is provided on a limited basis and requires the client to participate in life skills training classes (such as budgeting) we provide to help reshape habits for the future. 

Some needs we may fill are: Rent, Rent Deposits, Electric Bills, Water Bills, and Gas Bills.

Potential clients in need contacts us for assistance and begins the application process. Barnabas Vision staff then conducts a telephone interview to assess the need and eligibility of the client. 

L.I.F.E. Client Program

Our L.I.F.E. Client Program is uniquely tailored to those who need more support than our other programs provide. L.I.F.E. stands for Living Intentionally For Eternity and includes one-on-one consultations with our social work team for those with disabilities, extended illness, or other challenges to regaining successful independent living. We also provide spiritual and emotional support for their unique challenges. These clients are chosen through our connection with them via other programs or on a referral basis.

 Community Engagement 

Life Education Classes

Our Life Education Classes are offered to all our clients and anyone in our community who is interested in the topics discussed, and required for participation in some programs. These are taught by a combination of staff and community volunteers and cover topics such as budgeting, parenting, healthy cooking on a budget, coping skills, etc.

Welcome Home Kits

Welcome Home Kits are collections of necessary household items, donated by our generous community, and distributed to those whom we have helped into housing. This is just one way we set families up for success who have been experiencing homelessness.


Coat and Backpack Drives

We begin to collect coats for our Coat Drive near the middle/end of October and organize several different giveaways throughout the winter months for those who need coats during the winter and don’t have any.

Our Backpack Drive recruits donations and fills backpacks with necessary school supplies for students from low income families in conjunction with our Servant Heart program.


ServantHeart Program

Our ServantHeart Program takes place on Tuesdays during the summer and allows families to come and serve around the community. Our hope with this program is to stir the desire to serve those in our community. 

Elder Care

Through our Elder Care program, we provide weekly Bible studies to assisted living facilities as a way to share the Word with their residents and encourage them. We also have our Adopt-a-Grandparent program that connects families with the elderly who lack family of their own.


Encouragement Bags

Our Encouragement Bags are green drawstring bags that are filled with generous donations we receive such as travel sized shampoo, conditioner, and soap, deodorant, plastic/filled water bottles, protein bars, baby/hand wipes, small Bibles, lip balm, bandaids, small hand sanitizer, toothbrushes and toothpaste, nail clippers and files, flashlights and batteries, travel size Kleenex. Our goal is to make the recipients of these bags feel loved, cared for, and encouraged.

Christmas Sponsorship Program

Our Christmas Sponsorship Program provides Christmas gifts for children of families in need, ATLAS students and L.I.F.E. clients. Sponsors are identified and matched through a Google interest form that is posted on our website in October. Individuals, groups, and businesses can sponsor children, teens, and families. Wish lists are emailed to sponsors who then shop for approximately 5-7 gifts per individual based on ideas from the wish list.


Recovery Court Graduation

Our team often attends Recovery Court Graduations to celebrate those who have persevered through court mandated recovery from addiction.

Family Ministry

Our Family Ministry has the goal of encouraging strong families through education and spiritual/emotional support. It includes monthly Family Nights which provide education and encouragement to families where they unite and celebrate within positive community.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (615) 556-5134