Our Mission
The Barnabas Vision is a Christ-focused organization committed to bringing hope to a lost and broken world. We believe that through our dedication to Christian stewardship and leadership God can change the world one life at a time.
Our Vision
- Become a light and a support system to the community of Rutherford County.
- Respond to the needs of people by offering both short term and long term services.
- Reach out to international students and residents as they adjust to life in Rutherford County.
- Expand mentoring programs and work together on projects with other organizations, such as Greenhouse Ministries, Timothy Network, and churches.
- Spend time in short term mission efforts.
- Encourage other people to use their talents and abilities to care for others.
What We Do
Working independently and with Churches and other Christian organizations, Barnabas Vision will accomplish its mission by initially offering:
- Caring like Jesus: Providing teaching and mentoring to individuals and teachers on caring for others with Jesus as our example.
- Encourage like Barnabas: Helping people realize their potential and value.
- Helping hands: Working with churches to reach out to their members and to the community by offering the skills of willing volunteers in their time of need.
- Frequent visits to healthcare facilities: Visiting and encouraging patients in health care facilities and offering support to them and their families; continuing to follow up on caring for the patients and families after they leave the facilities; reaching out to families after a loved one passes away.