Some days, everywhere we turn we see heartbreak, struggles and sin. People facing crises, often of their own doing.
Choose to see the good.
People yell. Sometimes at each other. Sometimes at us. Sometimes it seems like people (even Christ followers) are determined to see the worst in other people.
Choose to see the good.
We live in a world where every word and every action is scrutinized and criticized. Online.
For all the world to see.
Fellow Christians, let’s look for the best in people. Even in the worst examples of humanity, we must believe God can work for good.
After all, we’re not always the people God calls us to be, are we? God looked at the beautiful, perfect world he created and the humans he knew would mess it up, and called it good. He knew all the ways we would fail to follow Him and sent his son to save us. From our mess. Despite ourselves.
Jesus chose to see the good buried in the muck of humanity. He saw liars, thieves, prostitutes, murderers, the quarrelsome and violent. And chose to forgive them, He welcomed them, and called them to a life of serving him. All so that others mired in the muck could come to know him.
Today, in this holiday season, seek to see the good. Still set boundaries. Protect your loved ones from toxic or destructive behavior.
But see the eternal souls in human trappings, trust God to work for good, and love them. As we end this year and start the next may we all strive to love like Jesus and encourage like Barnabas.
-David Coggin, Executive Director/Community Minister
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